Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Crucifixion from the eyes of a pagan enjoying the event like a parade or circus.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to You– “The Bloody Baptism!”

Upon each sin I flail the hammer down,
I craft barbed-wire-branches into a crown,
And ring that blood-soaked-skin until its dry.

I would have: Prayed to let my own kind from his kennel free,
Danced in the strawberry-sweat-stained robes,
Laughed at that shameful sign,

Called that clown down from his trapeze-less platform,
Mocked and gawked at that “Naked Body,”
Flogged with tongue’n’foot all those who with faith cried.

Angered when the skies spit lightning
And drooled much drops of rain
Ruining my foul circus.

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