Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An Excercise in Alliteration that After the First Sentence Turned into a Strange Unfinshed Narrative

He bore his battered teeth bashed from blunt clubs in many a boorish and barbaric bar brawl. His teeth hung from his roach-shell-hued gums like damp leaves about to fall from a dying tree in bitter autumn. I swear I saw them sway with the slightest breeze! Whenever we talked he would push and prod his loose, rotting teeth with his hairy tongue. If you were to put a magnifying glass up to his rank mouth and molasses-tongue-- both neglected by a toothbrush for many decades-- you would see myriads of mounds of insect-like-bacteria scurrying chaotically all around. He would most definitely be an arduous and infuriating task for any dentist. When I found out he was not now nor ever had been married I was sadly not in the least bit surprised. From the very first time I looked upon him I did not really see a human but an ogre, a troll,... a horrid beast. Oh how he always sniffs! He sniffs as much as he blinks. "BLOW YOUR NOSE!" I perpetually scream to my agitated and distracted self. Even in the summer both of his gaping, hair-infested nostrils run and drip like two leaking faucets. However, what bothers me the most about him is that I am obsessed with him-- he has consumed my mind and thoughts like a plague. I do not what I shall do next...

1 comment:

Emily said...

good writing! post more!